AZGPG Weigh Off Header 2015

Friday, June 5, 2015

A "NEW" Record

486 Baker 2015
The NEW Arizona State record for growing giant pumpkins is the 486 Baker 2015 (1513 Sherwood '14 x 1622 Young '09). Dean's pumpkin beat the old record by 17 pounds.

The plant was germinated on December 24, then transplanted into the garden on January 5.  The early date necessiated the use of heating boxes and candles to keep it warm during the cold January weather.  The plant continued to grow through February and developed female flowers by the end of the month.  The winning fruit was the second pumpkin on the main vine.  The 5-lobe flower was pollinated on March 15.
It grew slowly until the middle of April when sufficient sun and air allowed the plant to prosper.  Approximately 75 percent of the plants growth occurred during the last 40 days on the vine.

More than 50 people attended the AZGPG Spring Harvest Festival to witness the giants being weighed.

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